Governance Committee Members

About Us

CRCC Board Members

Canberra Rape Crisis Centre

Lessli Strong – Chair

Lessli has been a practicing Solicitor since 1984, although she is now semi retired. During her career she specialised in family law, domestic violence and child welfare. She has been a researcher, instructor, lecturer, mentor and examiner in family law. Lessli established and managed a sole practice legal firm, specialising in family law, domestic violence and child welfare matters. She represented children in the Family Court, the Federal Circuit Court and in the ACT Children’s Court. Lessli has been the Vice President and founding member of the Canberra and Region Family Law Professionals Association. She was a member of the advisory panel for the introduction of Working With Vulnerable People legislation in the ACT and also a member of the advisory panel for introduction of Sexual and Violent Offences Legislation Amendment legislation in the ACT. 

Melinda Tarrant – Treasurer

Melinda has worked as a financial services senior executive and business leader, contributing to strategy development and driving business results. She has a Bachelor of Commerce (UNSW). She has served on the Board of Bicycle NSW since 2014 to create a better environment for bicycle riders and currently holds the role of President. She has contributed to several other Boards and not for profits in both Director and management roles. She recently retired and is transitioning to Canberra where she is keen to be an active volunteer supporting the local community. Melinda joined the Board in February 2022.

Michelle Coffill – Secretary 

Linda Laker

Bridie Harders

Katherine Hayes

Donna Macpherson